8:50 AM - A few cheers as the first-family-to-be enters the little yellow church.
9:11 AM - 8 years ago this country witnessed the worst terrorist attack in its history. The president elect is now hearing prayers and it it beginning to settle in... he is about to be the (the first black) president of the United States of America. Fittingly,
Michael Eric Dyson is on
NBC right now talking about how
Obama is far from post racial... and that he should be seen as the opposite of post-racial.
As people struggle to reach the Mall and witness history, they are leaving their cars on the side of the road. Even though most are on grass (away from shoulders and asphalt) the DMV police is already handing out tickets and towing. It's nice to see that the authorities have their priorities in order!
9:30 AM - The Mall area is full - it seems to have been closed down. Many people are reportedly getting out of the metro after very long commutes, only to learn that they won't be able to make it to the main celebration area. ABC's reporter says they don't seem to mind, although I bet they're a little blown... At least they will be when they see the images of the sea of images in front of the Capitol steps - amazing!
9:45 AM - Not everyone is celebrating today. Not everyone has the day off work. In addition to the thousands of journalists and security officials for whom this event is a tremendous professional opportunity, there are many others working behind the scenes. ABC was just showing video of people hard at work inside the White House. Even before the old regime walks out, they began preparing the White House for the Black family that will be living there for the next four (or eight) years. It is truly impressive - by the time the 44th President and his family arrive to 1600 Pennsylvania, their new home will be ready - even the fridge will be fully stocked with food, drink and snacks for the girls. Rahm Emmanuel and company will also be hard at work in their offices in the next few hours.
9:48 AM - Barack and Michele (along with Jill and Joe Biden) have left St. John's Church for the White House where they will have a sit down with the outgoing first family. The Obamas waved to the cheering crowds as they got into their limos. A few blocks away, people in the mall are still going crazy.
9:53 AM - The second family to be just pulled up in the driveway of the White House. They got out to greet the Obamas who arrived exactly two minutes later. George and Laura greeted them and posed for a picture. Michelle brought a gift. I'm gonna watch for a while...

10:05 AM - These crowds are off the hook. Despite what the more racist elements of American society may be hoping, they are very diverse. I would be lying if I said most of the people I've seen are Black or non-White. It is nice to see people coming together for this and putting their differences aside. Let's hope they are not disappointed in the long run...
10:18 AM - Most of the networks are showing the shots of the crowds... with good reason. They are fantastic. People are everywhere, on top of statues and up in the trees. Indeed, if it were 20 degrees warmer and people weren't dressed so nicely, one might mistake them for a bunch of Arabs. The networks are focusing on meaningless punditry, bur Al Jazeera is focusing on the crowds in the right way. They just ran a report from a correspondent who was out on the streets at 4AM talking to the crowds as they made their way to the Mall. No wonder the place is so full... people have been flocking there since the early hours of the morning. I highly recommend Al Jazeera's coverage - it's only been 20 minutes, but it's excellent so far, and comprehensive in its approach... (they already did a live update from Gaza).
10:30 AM - Someone needs to tell CBS that their shot overlooking the White House is horribly out of focus... and it's not my TV. I guess it's not hat big of a deal. I don't care much for CBS anyways... I've even checked FOX more frequently! It's obviously freezing outside. All reporters on the ground are visibly struggling.
10:36 AM - AJE is running a spectacular montage of statements (and promises) Obama made over the course of the transitionary period. Hopefully people aren't expecting too much follow through. Meanwhile, the networks are showing the inaugural platform fill up with VIPs. I just saw Arnold. (I also just saw Katie Couric and her ugly new haircut - time to change the channel!)
10:47 AM - They are showing images of outgoing Dick Cheney in a wheelchair. He apparently pulled a muscle moving things, but for the sake of amusement, let's imagine he was given a severe beat-down instead.
10:48 AM - George Bush and Barack Obama are now leaving the White House and they are heading to the Capitol. Things are underway... Exciting stuff!
10:57 AM - The convoy is proceeding (slowly) to the Capitol. The streets are lined with security and onlookers seemingly oblivious to the cold. I don't have to be there to feel the vibe in the city now. I was there on election night, but this is clearly much more festive (and crowded). AJE's John Terrett put it in perspective earlier when he described the joy in the cold faces of the people he saw on the streets of DC in the early hours of the morning - usually, "they don't even look at you," he said. For now, all eyes are on that convoy...
11:02 AM - Michelle Obama has already made it to the Capitol, along with several others like John McCain, who must be wondering how he'd be feeling if he had succeeded in presenting Obama as an unacceptable American leader.
11:04 AM - Chief Justice John Roberts is on site as well. As AJE's Rob Reynolds noted, Obama will be sworn in by a man he voted not to confirm.
11:16 AM - The time is near... former presidents are coming in. George Bush Senior just hobbled through the halls of Congress with Barbara a little while ago, he was followed by Jimmy and Rosalind Carter, and now Bill and Hillary (she's looking salty... or just nasty).
11:27 AM - Barack Obama's daughters and his mother-in-law have just came out to the podium...
11:28 AM - And here's Laura Bush...
11:31 AM - And here come the first and second ladies to be...
11:36 AM - And here comes W (music, but no audible cheers or boos)...
I'm really gonna miss this guy! The look on his face clearly shows that he is unhappy to go. But people in the streets feel differently. News anchors on AJE are reporting having seen people defacing effigies of the outgoing president in the streets of Washington. Entertaining as he was, people are happy to see him and his people go.
11:37 AM - Now I'm hearing some Obama cheers...
11:39 AM - Here is the soon to be Vice President of the United States (a self-proclaimed Zionist and supporter of Israel). But all eyes are on Obama who is walking through the halls of the Capitol. I need to watch now...
11:43 AM - And the crowd goes wild! This has to be the largest crowd in the history of the nation's capitol.
11:45 AM - Obama takes a seat. The moment is it hand...
11:48 AM - Here comes Rick Warren. I'm not a fan of that guy... Israel shmisrael...
11:50 AM - I have to admit though - it's a pretty decent invocation.
11:55 AM - As Aretha Franklin sings, it seems they are running well behind schedule... So what? But this is all very moving on a symbolic level. Whether substantive change actually comes about remains to be seen, but we are about to have a Black president in the White House. I never thought I would live to see this day.
11:57 AM - Biden is being sworn in now. Maybe they're not so far off schedule after all.
11:59 AM - Music??? I forgot about that. So they are clearly behind schedule. Is this a sign?! seriously though, I wonder how often they're late. Of course,
the first one mentioned is an Israeli.
12:02 PM - Frankly this music is pretty wack. Let's get things moving... Obama doesn't look like he's feeling it either!
12:04 PM - Weak applause. They should have had Beyonce or something...

12:05 PM - ABC is reporting that in the past moments, the
White House website has changed to reflect the new president. He's being sworn in now... and they're stumbling. And the crowd really goes wild. It's official! The moment of truth will come soon.
12:07 PM - Speech...
12:26 PM - Try as I might, I don't think I could find a flaw in that speech. I haven't poured over it to check, but I listened intently and felt in tune with everything he said. The only other countries he really mentioned were Iraq and Afghanistan (where there are official wars being fought by US troops). I'm pleasantly surprised that he didn't mention Israel or Iran. I've never been so proud to call myself an American... Could this really be a new day? It was a great speech. Will he walk the walk? I doubt it...
12:31 PM - This poem is pretty boring... Luckily it's over. What an anticlimax!
12:36 PM - It seems a little hypocritical to focus so much negative attention on Islamists... especially with all the emphasis on religion in these types of ceremonies. Still, the way this guy ended his sermon was tight!
12:40 PM - Bush is holding things up with all the hand shaking. Too bad Obama wouldn't give him any real attention....
12:49 PM - Robert Fisk on Al Jazeera wasn't too impressed. He pointed out references to Iran, Islamists, and the line on "slaughtering innocents" (which he did). Fisk said it was "more like a preacher's speech than a president's speech... I can't remember a complete sentence Mr Obama said." He's got a point, but it was still a good speech, if one doesn't make obvious inferences on foreign policy. I say again, there was nothing wrong with it, but there is still plenty of room for criticism, especially for the things he didn't mention. He played it safe by not explicitly mentioning the Middle East. That is regrettable, but understandable.
12:53 PM - Nice images: the Obamas seeing the Bushs off. The transition is complete!
12:56 PM - The helicopter is lifting off. Bye bye Bush! Hopefully we won't see your brother in 2012...
1:03 PM - Flanked by his VP and leading members of Congress, the 44th President of the United States just signed his first executive order ensuring the continuity of government.
1:23 PM - The Nation's John Nichols brought up a good point when he said that Obama failing to mention the Middle East suggests that he does not understand how important the problems there truly are (if he does, he didn't feel it was important say so).
1:29 PM - Here come the Obamas... I wonder if they're as hungry as me!
1:51 PM - Bush is getting on Air Force One for one last time - it will take him to Texas. At the very least, he is gone and there is a new face of the nation - one that bears zero resemblance to the 43 who preceded him.